Thank you for comments, Amelie - It's always nice to return home after a couple of gigs to read a review or two. Have you ever seen the Gary Larson cartoon I reproduce here illegally (what the hell, we're all freetards now)? It reveals an insight into the ego of the artist as well as the mind of a dog - two not dissimilar concepts.

All my eyes saw when I read your commment, therefore, was "I have such a beautiful face with great hair". Thank you. It means a lot. To a man of my age.
P.S. I did actually read a bit further, and I also thank you for the advice concerning the future marketing of my music - however, I have long-since stopped blaming the world for many things, let alone the failure of my music to reach a huge audience. One day, Amelie, one day... it is only a matter of time.
I have come to quite like the world, actually, the bits of it I choose to look at anyway. Which includes you, Amelie. You came to my shows, and took the trouble to write me a note and search out pictures of me at a wedding on the internet (the pictures were on the internet - not the wedding, that would be plain weird)... and your note also kindly included grooming tips. This shows you care deeply, for which I really am grateful, and possibly - somewhat surprisingly - I really do like you a lot. Whoever you are.
I shall endeavour in many ways to never let you down, Amelie...especially in my music and my live performance.... although I may just keep the facial hair to annoy you a wee bit longer. Not paying too much attention to others is a prerequisite of survival in my job, and possibly yours too. As the Zen Master said to the novice - "it is always sensible to ignore advice, even this."
ReplyDeleteYou have time to go to *weddings*? Get on with releasing that album, Mr Mcrae!
ReplyDelete(I never bought an album because the singer was hot). (Well, 'cept for The Decemberists, and I would have bought those records anyway)
Never change Tom.
ReplyDeleteUnless you're thinking of those respects you have my full blessings....
LOL! You know in fact I dó care, that's why I think it's a shame..but you really made me laugh with your comment and cynism (as you mostly do with your witty blogs). I just think some of your songs belong to the best around and should be heard by more people and hope your forthcoming album will reach the greatness and depth that your first two albums had.
ReplyDeleteFor what it's worth, I liked the beard.
ReplyDeleteThe world is rather likeable, but the people sometimes are just hopeless.
ReplyDeleteGenerosity is an enhancement though...
I like the fact that you wrote her name, in every chapter, but one.
ReplyDeleteIt gives your post emphasis and helps me picture your hairy facial expression of the precise moment in which you typed this post.
does anyone have the link to these beardy wedding photos? I'm imagining a unibomber style beard in a suit. I'm most curious!
ReplyDeleteI like the beard too, but then I'm generally a fan of beards. It's not a unabomber/E/Brian Wright style beard, more subtle, a bit goatee - a bit Blackadder, but lighter with maybe a hint of grey!
ReplyDeleteSearch flickr for tommcrae beard for the true inspiration! There are also some pics from the recent Living Room gig that show the 'real' beard.
Cali is probably going to post a link to a picture with the fake "Brian Wright look a like" beard. You know the one from last year,she and her friends like to post everywhere on the internet.
ReplyDeleteAh there she is already
ReplyDeletefor those who care:
As a minimum I'm expecting a cover of Sharp Dressed Man in Brighton.
ReplyDeleteNot sure where to leave this comment, so I'll put it here. Read notice about tour and album delay, OK with that but don't go losing your soul to the Man... noticed that the tour did not include Chicago or anywhere else in the Midwest,USA...come on Tom, get with it and include us in the new tour...if you're going to come to New York, you can spend an extra $250 to get to Chicago, right? Just bring your guitar, I'll bet you have lots of fans who'd put you up for the night...and when you do reschedule, you should know trout fishing in Wisconsin opens 1st weekend in June, salmon run after first big rain in spring, late April-May. By the by, do you have to be an aetheist to be a Macraetheist? Im a fan of both you and God.
ReplyDeleteIt's OK, Anonymous (the last one, that is), there are at least a few of us on here who are fans of both.
ReplyDeleteI have to say,
ReplyDeleteI had to read through Tom's reply twice because each time it made my brain light up with happiness and laughter.
And duude, i'm well upset about the cancellation of the tour, but having it in the New Year, will, no doubt make my year. ;)
ReplyDeleterealy a surprise to discover you! Someone tells me to hear you! But it was must as hear a singer, it was a beautiful meeting in a different univers... Thank you! I will be there in Tourcoing in the "no tech" reality!
Sorry, still laughing too much about Mr McRae doing a cover of Sharp Dressed Man! Any chance of this when you come up to leeds? I will happily buy you beer all night...
ReplyDeleteWith the World Cup next year how about writing a song for the England Team? None of that cheery "Three Lions" stuff, a depressing TM song would be much better. Perhaps you could re-word an existing song A La Elton's "Goodbye England's Rose", maybe "The Boy With The Broken Metatarsal" or "For The Defenceless"?