Thursday, 29 January 2009

Spam Porn Poetry

My Ask Tom section has become a target for porn spambots. This is resulting in some beautiful and enigmatic virtual haikus. It's become a highlight of my day. Some of them are affecting, some ridiculous - but all are without fail better than ColdPlay lyrics. I may use some of them. Unless Chris gets there first.

whispered, and the angelbird with red wings.monkey."Then look cartoon sex sites for adults"

The words tumbled outexpect answers. She turned heavy gold and the smoothwheels they knew viagra order cheap

he said, stubbornly "Because what wouldwake? She'd runfree mature outdoor sex photos uk

explain it to her and listened she'd believe me?me. She hates me,She despises me

There's probably a reason for this... some way to get round spam filters or something - but I think they're lovely. The ghost in the machine is a poet. And sex obsessed. Or is that tautology?


  1. People find your blog interesting

  2. Sounds like them Spambots use Babelfish for translation, Mechanical Lingo into English.
    If you put a melody to it then Chris's nose start to twitch in interest;-)

  3. Well, it depends whether you're Cartesian or mocking Descartes.

    Also, in this case, there might be an issue in regard to the third law of robotics.

  4. I think they're actually generated from Markov chains. If you've really got time to kill you can probably find out what books are being used to generate the chains. I had this a lot a while ago and actually found a couple of really interesting books out of it!


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