Thursday 18 December 2008

Charting The Passage of Time

How time passed today between 6.23pm and 7.55pm today. This time of year can take my introspection to absurd levels. And drawing a circle seemed easier than finishing a song. I also tried listening to Sigur Ros. But you would need an electron magnifying microscope to see how little time I could actually manage. Enya for Guardianistas. But that's just my thoughts.


  1. Now Tom, what has marzipan ever done to you? Did you have a traumatic incident as a child involving crushed almond paste?

  2. Good to hear I'm not the only one hating marzipan! So there are others out there? But where? Is there a support group?

  3. thank god, I thought it was only me who thought that about Sigur Ros.

  4. Not nearly long enough on the whole marzipan thing. oh yeah, and you should probably write some more songs too 'cause then we'd buy them and you could relax and spend more time hating marzipan.

  5. Marzipan really? I love it.

    You must a have a love-hate relationship with marzipan...Do you eat it while worrying about not writing songs?

    Hating Madonna is a waste of time, Tom.

  6. Another marzipan hater here! All these awful marzipan fruits everywhere in shops, yuk… Sigur Ros on the other hand.

  7. far too much time spent worrying!

  8. A lot of folk have an aversion to marzipan having first tasted it on a piece of wedding cake, I think thats why less people marry now, they have an aversion to marzipan in the wedding cake;-)
    Write a song about marzipan and Madonna, both are pretty loathsome and that solves the big percentage of time worrying about not writing songs.

  9. Marzipan is God's apology for not existing. It should be one of the 4 food groups, along with lightly salted tortilla chips, humous and croissants.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.


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