Monday, 9 February 2009

Holy Bus Batman

I read this comment piece in The weekend Guardian. and felt compelled to write Dr Fraser a letter.

For no other reason than to show I'm not an angry atheist or out to ban religion, I reproduce it here. Although I did just call the Christian Party and ask for the Proof Department, and spoke for half an hour to a very sweet woman who did her level best to not be freaked out. Bless her. Not literally.

Dear Dr Fraser, I read with amusement your comment piece in The Guardian and then followed the predictable tirade on the website, as others perhaps unaware that you were playing a mischievous little joke, found themselves outraged by both sides of the argument.

You must have chuckled a little to yourself as atheists everywhere lined up to berate you, thus proving your point. Job well done.

A little word of caution, however, that by continually citing Richard Dawkins as an exemplar of atheism you risk making the same mistake as anti-religious types who conflate violent fundamentalism, with tolerant, largely harmless religious practices the world over. But I suspect you like to rattle the hornets' nest from time-to-time.

I am no more a disciple of Dawkins than I am of more recognised religions, if I wish to hear the sigh of the eternal I can go to gallery, read a novel, or walk in nature - I feel no need to invoke a god figure to make sense of anything around me. And there are many like me, quietly going about our godless lives, slightly amused at the passions that this sort of argument provokes.

Long may thought for the day continue, it is mild, very British and largely harmless (insert your own Church of England gag here). I hope one day sensible, non-religious observers may be allowed to join in the programme, but if not I won't howl in protest. There seems to be precious little sensible debate that takes place in the media these days, between any opposing views, let alone passionately held religious beliefs. Maybe we all need to do some evolving, or perhaps ask the intelligent designer for an upgrade. I look forward to humanity 2.0.

All the best,

Tom McRae

BTW - I'm not bored, or not writing and recording, I am alot. And very pleased I am with it too. It's just talking about the music makes me feel a bit weird. That and I don't sleep well. Emailing vicars can pass the time.


  1. Sounds like you're having fun these days.

  2. Totally off-topic & just out of curiosity; have you finished 'Selected Writings of Gertrude Stein' already? Looking forward to your review. Wondering if it's worth it to read. Seems like an interesesting book.

  3. Is Giles Fraser joking or not? Either way, the benefit is to viewing figures of the article and not the Christian faith itself, which he seems to completely misrepresent. Jesus of Nazareth wasn't "gentle, meek and mild" and he encouraged discourse.
    I think your letter is good, Tom.
    And if you're having trouble sleeping, I'd recommend
    I haven't read the whole book or tried the CD but the general advice so far seems really sensible and a couple of the exercises have already cured my initial insomnia.

  4. hmm, i have to say i do like to read some of the commentary boards for articles like this. I love the way that the more ardent believers think that they understand us all. Atheism isn't "against" anything. That's the point!

  5. I'm slightly amused that the atheist version of the advert (really very mild and playful) played it safe and used the word "probably" -- and was still challenged under advertising laws!

    Meanwhile the christian version can apparently get away with "definitely". Proof Dept indeed.

  6. Tom, not exactly related but there's also a great article on the Guardian site today by George Monbiot. Basically a lengthy rant against Hazel Blears on her voting record in the House of Commons. Quite an eye opener -


  7. Thanks for pointing this one out. Great quote at the end. And tragically a disengaged and deisenchanted electorate can only punish a failed government by voting it out and replacing it with a carbon copy. Have you read The Age of Consent by Monbiot? He maybe cynical but he keeps putting forward solutions, which is far harder and braver than just sniping from the sidelines, as Blears accuses him of. Ho hum. Maybe we should re-ignite the movement to have our spoiled ballots counted.

  8. Disenchanted...DIS... damn injured finger!

  9. I've not read that book but it sounds interesting, another one to add to the list...


  10. You should get a real job, at least then you wouldn't have so much time to whine about everything and nothing. Or buy a parrot that can talk back to you all day long so you don't have to seek attention on about 5 places on the internet. (and yes your music is brilliant but come on!)

  11. Can we have this picture, or just the text-detail, printed on a t-shirt or a nifty bag and sold in the shop asap, please? Thanks.

  12. How can I remain godless now?

    Take care of your divine finger.

    PS: From messiah complex to probable godhood, now that's a very Christian promotion!

  13. Great pic update! Thanks for making me laugh. :)


  15. If Tom McRae is God, but God may not exist, does that mean there probably is no Tom McRae?

    Should I be worried about commenting on a blog that may not even exist?

  16. Of course there is no Tom McRae, he made the name up remember? It's just Jeremy Blackall as he was called before he thought he would become a superstar.

  17. You don't sleep well? Hopefully that's because your conscience is bothering you.

  18. I've not slept well for a few nights. Matt thinks I need an eye test, I think I need new pillows (I keep getting headaches in the night).

    Maybe if I abandoned my quiet godless life I'd sleep better?

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. (sorry - should have previewed....)
    grinding teeth in your sleep can also cause headaches at night but new pillows are a good idea if they make your neck and shoulder muscles more relaxed. Giving up the "godless life" would help too!

    p.s we've been left in suspense about Tom's finger. Hope it's getting better!

  21. The latest update about the finger is that it has been amputated and Toms singing/guitarplaying will be changed into a fishingcareer.


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